Wydaho Event Satisfaction Survey Post-festival survey to determine net promoters How did you hear about the festival? Wydaho Festival Website Grand Targhee Newsletter Wydaho Newsletter Trails & Pathways Site Cycling West Digital Ad Bike Shop Poster Rack Card Facebook Instagram Friend Other Please check all that apply.Will you be joining us again at the Teton Bike Festival on Sept 2, 2022? Yes No Undecided Where did you stay during the festival? Grand Targhee Lodging Grand Targhee Camping Teton Valley Camping Teton Valley Hotel Friends Home Live Locally Did you participate in any of this year’s free mini clinics? Saturday Morning Yoga Saturday Morning Suspension Clinic Saturday Chat with Dr. Christina Heilman Sunday Morning Yoga Sunday Morning Suspension Clinic Sunday Bike-packing clinic with Jay Petervary Monday Morning Yoga Please check all that apply.Did you participate in any free group rides or shuttles? Friday 2:00pm Tour ‘D’ Ghee Friday 3:00pm Tour ‘D’ Ghee Saturday 9:00am Philips Ridge Ride Saturday 9:00am Mail Cabin to Mike Sell Adventure Ride Saturday 10:30am Southern Valley Trails Saturday 11:00am Into to Targhee XC Trails Saturday 1:00pm Women’s-Andy’s to Millcreek Shuttle Saturday 2:00pm Andy’s to Millcreek Shuttle Sunday 9:00am Grove to Red Creek Loop Sunday 9:30am Tour ‘D’ Ghee Sunday 10:00am Women’s Targhee Ride Sunday Millcreek Shuttles Please check all that apply.How many similar festivals do you attend on an annual basis?Please enter a number from 1 to 5.What are some highlights from other festivals that you have enjoyed and would like to see incorporated in the future bike festivals?What are some festival components that you enjoyed?Do you have additional feedback to share with the festival organizers?How many stars would you give the Wydaho Festival?* One Star Two Stars Three Stars Four Stars Five Stars PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.